Thursday, May 21, 2009

She's Three!!!

Greetings To All:

So, how have you been? Isn't it nice that we can sit, pour a cup of coffee, and catch up? It seems like we have not been able to do that as much recently. Oh, no thanks, I drink mine black. See? It's been a while; you even forgot how I like my coffee. Sitting is something that we haven't been doing that much of lately. But, with my training done and Kathy having finished the operations manual, life has returned to a "normal" pace. I paranthesised normal because we are still busy on the course.

Today we had 37 seventh graders for most of the day. I think we were all hoarse after that day. Can anyone guess how many times we had to remind them to "Listen Up!"? I lost count. Have you, in your adult life, ever heard that mystical voice telling you to "Listen Up!"? I sure have. Sometimes I get so excited about what God is doing in my life that I start to lose focus on where the excitement originates. Last summer during our DTS we read a book that pointed out an example of this. Our founder was praying for a large ship for a mercy ship ministry. When he finally got it, he immersed himself in making that ministry work that he forgot who provided the ship (God.) And soon the ship ministry went under (not literally.)

I personally have been so excited about being called to China in the long run. I would imagine waking up everyday to the sound of the bussling Beijing streets, rubbing elbows with the Chinese on the bus or subway, and bringing light into a dark place. But that's not the whole picture. What our calling is really about is God. It's about obeying Him and fulfilling His desires for us. The bottom line is: we can't do anything without Him. When I miss hearing His voice, it could quite possibly be because I've forgotten to listen. I get so wrapped up in making decisions about what He has told me, that I forget He told me. HE has called us, He has not forgotten us, He will lead us to the next step when He says we are ready.

Shifting gears a little bit. I have an exciting opportunity! Jeff, our team leader, has been invited to build additional high elements on a YWAM ropes course in Kamchatka, Russia. Jeff would like me and two other people from different countries to join him. I feel honored that he would ask me. He has a large pool of experienced builders from which to draw, but he asked me. No plans have been set, and no costs have been laid. But he would like to do the building for two to three weeks beginning the last week of July of this summer. Please pray with us that this opportunity is one I should take. (Kathy and Dakota would not be going along.) We want to know this is not from Jeff, but from God.

Dakota Mei Hershberger is THREE years old!!! We can hardly believe it. The teeny tiny bundle of legs and head that was born unto us is now three years old and sooo big. She continues to amaze us with her intelligence and hypnotize us with her cuteness. We simply marvel at her existence. All that encounter her know that she certainly has a strong presence about her. And we thank God that she has been and remains healthy. Kathy made a slew of delicious cupcakes for her birthday celebration with people on the base. We gathered picnic tables outside of our house and celebrated outside on a pleasant evening. All of Dakota's friends showed up: Jasmine, Maya, and Naomi. Drew and Isaac Beachy were unable to attend because they are currently out of state. Dakota misses playing with Drew. One of Dakota (and our) older friends, Marina, played "Happy Birthday" on her violin. That was a special surprise. (That is the video accompanying this entry.) Dakota had an enjoyable third birthday and went to bed a tired girl.

Thank you all for remembering us and seeing how we're doing. Please email or snailmail us to let us know how you are doing. Yes, I would like a refill. Oh, chust half, it's getting late.

God's Love And Blessings To You,

Carson, Kathy, Dakota