Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's New

Greetings To All:
How are you all doing? Hopefully well. Hey, we all made it through the holidays! Around here the base was like a ghost town. There was only us and two other couples that were hanging around. It was nice to have that stillness. Fortunately there was not another severe ice storm like there was last year. It seems like 2010 is off to a running start for us. Of course, you know by now that Kathy is pregnant, which comes with doctor's appointments and then eventually the baby. Last week our Ropes leader, Jeff, and I took a two night, three day trip to the Seattle area to tour some ropes courses up there. We saw a lot of new ideas to add to or change in our course. So, since he and I are both dreamers who like to make as much as possible a reality, we got busy right away.
The first thing we did was finish an element that was started in November. It is an element that we built in Russia; Jeff had wanted one here for a while. We had to do some terracing on the ground so the participants would be able to be on the element. That element is a trust building tool that happens at 22 feet off the ground. Another priority was an original idea. Jeff wanted to build a large puzzle for a team to put together. So, we got our heads together and came up with a 6 ft x 6 ft x 6 ft cube that consists of ten 2x3 framed and plywood sheeted pieces. It is very near comical how large a couple of the pieces are. It will take an entire team to assemble the puzzle. As far as Jeff knows this is the only puzzle like this in existence. Other changes we want to make are taking shape as well. We wanted to get those elements mentioned above completed because we have the Oregon State University(THE only OSU out here) Softball team coming this Saturday. They have been here several years. One huge benefit for making changes to the course is that teams such as this that are frequent clients have some new challenges to overcome. The Challenge course industry is one that is constantly evolving. The elements and games that are a part of the curriculum are only limited by the imaginations of the workers. That is one reason I enjoy what I do. Kathy has also been helping during this "off" season with getting information gathered and sent to the insurance company. Insurance is helpful when you send people 30ft in the air on a daily basis.
Rain, rain, go away, come back another day, Dakota Mei wants to play. This past weekend we took advantage of a break in the winter rains of Oregon to take Dakota to a park downtown. If you ever want to see a child in her element, watch Dakota at the playground. She is a magnificent climber. Already her tremendous grip strength is impressive. I'll try to put some pictures with this entry.
If the notion behooves you to pray for us, there are some places we could use it. Kathy has been feeling more tired lately (7.5 months pregnant, imagine that). We would appreciate prayer for her to have more energy so she can still function until the baby is born. Also, if some of you have gotten our latest newsletter, you know that I have an opportunity to travel to Latvia and train some YWAM Ropes workers there. The timing of the trip is what makes us uncertain of my going: the baby will only be 1.5-2 months old. Also, we are praying about taking an exploratory trip to China this next late Fall. Please let us know if you receive any words from God for us or if you would simply like to encourage us.
And, as always, we would love to know what is going on in your lives. We do read email and respond to it (although not always in a timely fashion.) Thank you for keeping up with us.
God's Blessings To All,
Carson, Kathleen, Dakota, Baby