Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Greetings To All:
Ahh, it's so good to be home with my family! Thank you all for your prayers and support surrounding this trip I took to Germany; they were truly felt. I thought I would be over jetlag by now, but I'm up again at 4:30 am. I thought I was going to get to feed the baby, but she decided not to wake up yet. Desi is doing great and really growing. Dakota is as energetic as ever and is adjusting to Desi well. It is our prayer that the two of them will be lifelong friends. Sometimes it still sounds strange to say "the girls."
Well, after one large cloud of volcanic ash and mass chaos at the airports both subsided, I got to come home. Seeing the guys in Germany was great. They have a vision to see their course grow, which is quite an undertaking because they do not have so many trees or space. While Jeff and I were there we helped to build a Giant Swing and do some maintenance on their exsisting elements. Also, and unexpected surprise was our friends Jouni and Mari from Finnland were there. We had no idea that was going to happen. They were here in Salem for six weeks last summer and Kathy and I really got to know them. I tell you what, the world is shrinking so fast I can almost hear it. I did not make the trip to Latvia for the second week. Our initial flight on Saturday, April 17 was cancelled due to the ash cloud. And at that point the airlines didn't know when the flights would resume. I felt a check in my spirit that I shouldn't wander too far away from Berlin because of such uncertainty. Being too far away from my scheduled return flight to the states was not terribly enticing. Originally we had a flight scheduled from Berlin to Riga, Latvia, but that got cancelled. Buses and trains were booking full faster than we could call in. Finally Jeff found a train that wasn't full, but I didn't feel peace about being on that train. After seeking divine guidance in this matter, I felt I should stay in Germany, and not go on to Latvia. Jeff went on to Latvia. His return flight to the states was scheduled for more than a week after mine, so he had a much larger cushion of time for the cloud to dissipate. My heart was heavy, but I felt my decision was right. So, I stayed the entire time in Germany.
One thought in the forefront of my mind during this trip was that not sharing this trip with my family was disappointing. It was still a good experience, please don't misunderstand me. But there is something gained in spirit and heart when special things are shared with loved ones. I don't know what our future travel plans are as of yet. But whatever, whenever, where ever we go, I hope that it will be together.
Since the last blog update we have had some visitors: Marcus and Lynette, Barb, Rachel, and Mom. Thanks to all of them for the help they were for us as we adjust to life with Desi. I want to give another thank you to the people on our base here in Salem for helping Kathy during the first week I was gone. Also, to Kathy, for being so supportive of my going on this trip and my passion and enjoyment of this ministry. She did more than just "survive" while I was away. I am blessed to be married to such a wonderful wife.
Yes, that little husky helper turned up in my luggage again. This time he wanted to have a keepsake photo of his time in Dresden, Germany. We stayed there for a night before we moved on to Hainichen. It is a beautiful city.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. Hopefully this jetlag will be gone soon. Enjoy the pics, and check back every now and then for future updates (I promise they will be better.)
God Bless You Today,
Carson, Kathleen, Dakota, Desi