Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall In The Air

Greetings To All:
How in the wide, yet ever-shrinking, world are you? Football, chilly weather, fleeces/flannels, soup, and campfires are only some of the things I enjoy about autumn. Can any one relate to any of those things? We are so thankful that even thought seasons (and many other things) may change, but the God we serve never does.
We are still going strong with groups on the course. Our team has shrunk for various reasons. So, even though the overall schedule has lightened, the load for each teammate still working has remained the same. Please pray for our family that long days would not only be bearable, but that we could find the blessing to receive and give in whatever we do. The child care situation on base has not changed yet. That is another prayer concern: leadership and parents could find a workable solution to the childcare dilema.
One thought that I had recently while working with a group on the course pertains to timing of situations. In two separate groups from the same team that Iwas working with I had them play a game of which the goal is to get everybody to find the bell and ring it. In both groups the last person to ring the bell hung their head and said,"Uh, I was the last one." In all of my experience with this game on this course I had never yet said what I was about to. "It doesn't matter. So what that you reached your goal at a different time than every one else. The point is that you started and finished." The group was a nursing program from a local university. The students were of all different ages. The youngest was probably straight from high school, and the oldest was probably in her late thirties. I could see the looks on the older one's faces change after I said this. I encouraged them not to berate themselves for not starting the program earlier in life. What mattered is that they were now on the right track.
Can you see where I'm going with this? If I took the time and effort to beat myself up for all of the absolutely stupid things I have done in my past, then I would lose focus on all of the good that is going on now. When we each are on our walk with Jesus will we waste time wondering,"Why didn't I start this sooner? I knew about Him, but I didn't do anything about it."? Or, will we focus on what He does for us everyday since we declared our love for and dependence on Him? I choose the latter. You?
I'm so thankful that you all play a part in enabling us to do what we do. How else are things on the home front? Desi should be getting her first teeth any time in the next week. At her last doctor's visit her head measured off the chart; we knew she was smart, but not off-the-chart smart. And she is rolling all over the place. Dakota had her first fair experience at the Oregon State Fair, where she stepped in a pile of cow poop with both feet. She is also doing very well at riding her bike. Even though it still has training wheels, she motors around the parking lot on it. She seems to be fast in whatever she does. Kathy is learning to knit, which she has wanted for a while now. Soon she will be making all kinds of things. She is also our travel chairperson, and she is scheduling a trip for us back to IN for Thanksgiving. So, we may get to spend some time with you in a couple of months.
We hope this update finds you doing well and what it is you are called to do. Enjoy the pictures, and don't forget to let us know how you are doing.
God's Blessings To You,
Carson, Kathleen, Dakota, Desislava