Greetings To All:
After today I will make the assumption that where ever you are it is snowing. Yes, that means that it was snowing on our base. Actually, this day had it all: snow, rain, and sun. And it didn't go in any particular order. This Oregon weather sure is something else. So, how are you? We are doing well. A healthy rhythm has started again in this house. It seems that hasn't happened since last November. We had Dakota try out a gymnastics class at the YWCA in town, and she LOVED it. We'll try to take her again at some point: that girl loves to move. She also thoroughly enjoys playing dress up and most frequently chooses her Snow White dress that a friend gave to her. Desi almost has her license to walk. She is about at "Learner's Permit" status, but after the display of talent tonight we think she is ready to take her Walker's test. On another note, Desi does not like to have her nails clipped. As all parents wonder, "Where has the time gone?" That is a phenomenon that we've always heard about and now are experiencing first-hand. Dakota doing gymnastics? Desi walking? Both are glorious things to behold. Kathy has been busy as the liason between base parents and the Life For Kids School teacher Mary. It is perplexing to me to watch how she manages each parent's desires for their child and Mary's goal for the school. Kathy also has been getting more fresh air while walking every day with a partner after lunch. I have been excited this past week because I have been up in the trees again for the first time in months. Whew. . . . I don't know how I went so long without it. I was doing our yearly in-house inspecton of our equipment, which means that groups will be coming soon.
You are all aware of this being a transition time for us (I won't go into the "whys" because you are probably already familiar with those.) But what does that mean exactly? One aspect of it is for the first time in my life I will be in the leadership position. And I am blessed with stepping into an established ministry with which I have history. So what do I do with new-found authority and well-grounded and established ministry? One of my favorite verses comes to mind: Colossians 3:10,"and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." In context this passage pertains to putting off old, sinful nature. I relate it to my situation slightly different because I am not dealing with taking over a ministry that was sinful. God's hand has certainly been in this since it's conception. I'm focusing on the being renewed part of it. Why would I want to change a ministry just for the sake of change? That would involve the risk of doing greater damage than any good. I look at it as constant improvement. After all, isn't that what Christians are supposed to be striving for? Being satisfied with what has happened in the past, but looking for ways to be more like Jesus. There is hardly any time for laurel resting. Also, I don't think that the phrase involves reinventing the wheel. Why spend time and energy in that? My desire for this ministry in this year is to find new ways to bring the gospel message into each and every one of our games and elements. Last year we focused on how to accomplisth that. This year I want to focus more on the doing of that. And it is for a couple of reasons: 1. It keeps us as facilitators more in scripture trying to solidify biblical principles in our own lives, and 2. Each participant knows that we are Christians, but we want them to know that they were created to be in relationship with God also. So, in a sense it seems like a new beginning, but it is more of a renewal. Please join us in prayer for these ideas and methods to come into being.
Thank you for considering us in your prayers. They have been felt and some have already been made into a reality. God is always surprising us with how He provides for our needs in health, ministry, and finances. And, as always, thank you for taking the time to stay updated with us.
Many Blessings To You,
Carson, Kathleen, Dakota, Desislava
After today I will make the assumption that where ever you are it is snowing. Yes, that means that it was snowing on our base. Actually, this day had it all: snow, rain, and sun. And it didn't go in any particular order. This Oregon weather sure is something else. So, how are you? We are doing well. A healthy rhythm has started again in this house. It seems that hasn't happened since last November. We had Dakota try out a gymnastics class at the YWCA in town, and she LOVED it. We'll try to take her again at some point: that girl loves to move. She also thoroughly enjoys playing dress up and most frequently chooses her Snow White dress that a friend gave to her. Desi almost has her license to walk. She is about at "Learner's Permit" status, but after the display of talent tonight we think she is ready to take her Walker's test. On another note, Desi does not like to have her nails clipped. As all parents wonder, "Where has the time gone?" That is a phenomenon that we've always heard about and now are experiencing first-hand. Dakota doing gymnastics? Desi walking? Both are glorious things to behold. Kathy has been busy as the liason between base parents and the Life For Kids School teacher Mary. It is perplexing to me to watch how she manages each parent's desires for their child and Mary's goal for the school. Kathy also has been getting more fresh air while walking every day with a partner after lunch. I have been excited this past week because I have been up in the trees again for the first time in months. Whew. . . . I don't know how I went so long without it. I was doing our yearly in-house inspecton of our equipment, which means that groups will be coming soon.
You are all aware of this being a transition time for us (I won't go into the "whys" because you are probably already familiar with those.) But what does that mean exactly? One aspect of it is for the first time in my life I will be in the leadership position. And I am blessed with stepping into an established ministry with which I have history. So what do I do with new-found authority and well-grounded and established ministry? One of my favorite verses comes to mind: Colossians 3:10,"and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." In context this passage pertains to putting off old, sinful nature. I relate it to my situation slightly different because I am not dealing with taking over a ministry that was sinful. God's hand has certainly been in this since it's conception. I'm focusing on the being renewed part of it. Why would I want to change a ministry just for the sake of change? That would involve the risk of doing greater damage than any good. I look at it as constant improvement. After all, isn't that what Christians are supposed to be striving for? Being satisfied with what has happened in the past, but looking for ways to be more like Jesus. There is hardly any time for laurel resting. Also, I don't think that the phrase involves reinventing the wheel. Why spend time and energy in that? My desire for this ministry in this year is to find new ways to bring the gospel message into each and every one of our games and elements. Last year we focused on how to accomplisth that. This year I want to focus more on the doing of that. And it is for a couple of reasons: 1. It keeps us as facilitators more in scripture trying to solidify biblical principles in our own lives, and 2. Each participant knows that we are Christians, but we want them to know that they were created to be in relationship with God also. So, in a sense it seems like a new beginning, but it is more of a renewal. Please join us in prayer for these ideas and methods to come into being.
Thank you for considering us in your prayers. They have been felt and some have already been made into a reality. God is always surprising us with how He provides for our needs in health, ministry, and finances. And, as always, thank you for taking the time to stay updated with us.
Many Blessings To You,
Carson, Kathleen, Dakota, Desislava
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