Thursday, December 11, 2008
Heading East
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Back In The U.S.of A.
How in the wide world are you? We are doing well. Last night at about 7:30 we arrived on the Salem base! After many hours of travel we made it. I'm going to take this time to brag on our daughter. She did fantastic!!! From the taxi ride to the Beijing airport to the ride from the Portland airport to Salem she was a wonderful traveler! The layovers in Seoul and San Fransisco wore Kathy and I down a little bit, but that might be because we know that flying does not REQUIRE those kinds of layover. Dakota has an advantage in that area: she has no prior experience to compare these experiences with. She doesn't know that it could even be another way. Isn't she lucky? Oh, the simplicity of a child. Hey, didn't Some One at some point tell us to be like children? Hmmmm.
Other than being awake between 3:00 and 4:00 this morning, I foresee the adjustment to this time zone being fairly smooth. The time frame above is for the girls. I am still up (6:39 a.m.). So what does one do in this situation? Pray, read, do laundry, journal, and update a blog. I'm enjoying this a little bit. Oh am I gonna sleep well tonight!
Our time in China was excellent! As mentioned in the last entry, "Ketchup On Noodles", God revealed some things to us while we were there. One experience I forgot to mention, and will do so now, was our apartment guests for the last three nights. A team of six YWAMers from Indonesia were coming through Beijing on their way to Inner Mongolia for their Outreach. Where we were staying was a place that is kept for those kinds of circumstances, and for those like ours. So, we were one happy, international family. They were very thankful to be sharing the apartment with us, and we were very blessed to see how God is moving people from other countries of this tiny planet. They of course fell in love with Dakota, and she warmed right up to them. I will post a picture of them in another "photo only" entry that may get done later today.
At some point this week we will be having debriefing meetings about our Outreach. We'll also catch up with some friends that are still here on base. I'll need to get my driver's license renewed. This will be the third state from which I will have received a driver's license (IN, FL, OR.) Isn't that exciting? We also hope to get a hard-copy newsletter out to people before the Thanksgiving holiday. Oh, we'll also get the privilege of driving a vehicle ourselves! Which side of the road is correct? I'm sure I'll find out one way or another. Hopefully the OR BMV doesn't make me take a test.
Well, while the girls sleep, I will go have breakfast. There will be different faces and I'm sure lots of questions asked. I think I'll make it through okay. This morning I have the advantage of being awake for four-and-a-half hours already. As always, we'll leave the light on for you. Oh, wait, that's some one else's saying. As always, thanks for catching up on us, and please drop us a message about what you are doing. I encourage each of you to bechildlike at some point today. So, when you're in Wal-Mart and people wonder why you are rolling around on the floor crying, simply encourage them to be more childlike.
God Bless You,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ketchup on Noodles
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh, The Places We Go
Greetings To All:
Sorry, we haven't updated this blog in a little while. I meant to do it this past Wednesday, but I was unexpectedly busy. I wasn't able to get online while I was at the hospital. Calm down, I was there with some one else of no relation. Our friend/hostess, Carolyn Foster, knocked on our door in the afternoon and asked for my help. A neighbor boy fell and broke his arm. I went upstairs, splinted the arm, carried him to the taxi, and then took him into the hospital. As it turns out, he broke both bones in his forearm. For a seven year old, he did remarkably well.
What else have we been up to? Yesterday we as a family went to Tiananmen Square. Neither one of us feel like doing a lot of touristy things, but I did want to visit that place. The video with this entry is of Dakota being the center of attention while we were there. A lady asked if her little son could have his picture taken with Dakota. We said yes, and the two children started playing. Well, more and more people wanted to see the children playing, and then a good-sized crowd started gathering. Eventually two uniformed guards walked over and dispersed everyone. In a picture and the video the boy Dakota is playing with is wearing split-pants. We've seen several small children wearing those. No, we are not thinking of buying any for Dakota.
We are enjoyng this time together as a family. The traveling has worn us down a little. It has been just over five months since we have had a place to call "ours". We both miss that. Here in Beijing our friends have put us up in a fully furnished apartment by ourselves. Waking up and being able to have breakfast when convenient for us is a rediscovered treasure. Dakota has been a wonderful little traveler on this past leg of our journey. She slept for most of the overnight train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, entertained people in the Bangkok airport, and then slept for most of the flight from Bangkok to Beijing. All along the way people have stopped us and asked if they could take Dakota's picture. We have yet to see any royalties from the pics. Hopefully they will be in the mail soon.
I know that in a previous entry I mentioned that I would like to visit the city of Harbin while in China. At this point it doesn't look like it will happen. It's one less overnight train that we won't have to take. We will be exploring schooling and housing options here in Beijing. It's been simply delightful to see different parts of the city. Kathy has been a wonderful guide. Finally I have the opportunity to experience this with her.
As always, thank you for keeping up with us here on the world wide web. Keep us posted on your lives, please. We'll update you on any other trips to the hospital and other adventures we embark upon. In a city of several million people something is bound to happen.
God's Blessings To You,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Monday, October 27, 2008
Greetings To All:
How in the wide world are you? Hopefully you are doing well. As is par for the course on this trip, our plans changed. We are back in Chiang Mai several days earlier than what we once thought. The main reason: mode of transportation. But, that is another entry for another time. Let's talk about family, shall we? Since I'm the one writing this, we shall.
I am farang. It is because I am of different color. It is because I speak a different language. It is because I come from a different land. It is because I am of different culture. It is because I am of different religion. There are so many reasons I am farang. This longing for and finding, at least a sense of, it not the actual presence of, belonging is very powerful. So many factors seem to play against us discovering that phenomenom that we may just give up. Why even bother wanting to be a part of anything? What do we want to be a part of anyway? Some people may say: other people who think/live/look like us. But I don't think that is enough. There is something more raw than that. People with whom we share beliefs, core beliefs, will help fulfill that need in our lives more than any of the other superficial reasons can. Some of the time people find that in families.
When we speak of the family of God we have a good sense of what it means to be a part of a family. Most of us have them. But what I mentioned in the above paragraph may not be found in our earthly families. When some one decides to live for God and be open to doing what He wants done, there is something that is shared with others of the same following/calling. Suddenly, there is an awareness of the attraction and connection with other people. A bond is formed on a deeper level than is normally addressed. It's almost like they're . . . . family.
All this to say that despite all of the differences Kathy, Dakota, and I had with the children and staff of the Musekee Center we felt like family with them. Siami, the lady who started the center isn't even Thai; she's Indian. And there was another couple there (who need to have a book written about them), who are both Australian, that we connected with. Despite age, culture, and different life experiences among us, it felt as if we were among family there on that mountain in the far north of Thailand. The belief, faith, and trust in our Father that we all shared caused a bond to be formed that will not fade. I have found that we can be in the middle of nowhere and still feel like we're among family. And that is because we belong to the family of God.
Siami is the older, dark complected woman in the first video with the children singing. Don and Kay Fox are the Australian couple I mentioned, and he is the hairless gentleman wearing the red shirt in the first video. The song being sung is one that Siami made up to welcome people to her center.
"What is the center?" you ask. It is a place that school aged children live (away from their home villages) so they can be close enough to a school to attend. Also, the children are sponsored through Don and Kay's nonprofit organization "Handclasp" so that they can have money to attend school and have the proper uniforms. There almost sixty children who live while school is in session. They travel to and from school every day to this center. Musekee is a Karen area, and that is the ethnic group of these children. (They are Thai citizens.) While we were there the children were back in their villages for a national school break. But, for three days there was a Bible School that we helped with that hosted almost fifty children. We mainly helped teach them English. Somehow we were qualified to do that. On Saturday we were privileged to attend a wedding that had some traditional aspects to it. (The start of the wedding is what the second video is showing.) That was pretty neat. When we get to see or talk with you in person we would be more than happy to tell you more about this past week in Musekee. There simply isn't enough time and space to do it now. I bet you even stopped reading this two minutes ago. So why am I still typing? Optimism.
The picture of Dakota with the pair of twins is showing what she did for a lot of the week. They were her playmates. They are seven year olds who do live at the center because they were adopted by Siami. Named Yupii and Yupah, the loved to play with Dakota. Dakota would say, "Play pii pah.", which translates into,"I want to play with Yupii and Yupah." Finally, some one who could match her energy level.
Well, until we hear from you or you hear from us again, have a blessed day. Oh, thanks for all of your comments. We'll keep begging for you to leave more comments because it seems to work. And when you step out of your door today, and possibly end up on the side of a remote mountain in a foreign country or just across town, remember that family may not be only those people who are or have been under your same roof.
Blessings To All,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Friday, October 17, 2008
To Musakee And Beyond
Wow. I almost don't know what to say right now. But, wow. Today (Friday) is our last day in Chiang Mai for two weeks. Tomorrow we leave for a smaller town for the remainder of our Outreach. What will we be doing? We still don't know. It's almost like the "Missions Mafia": a van will pull up in the morning and we're supposed to get in it to go to an undisclosed location and do undisclosed acts of service. Well, maybe it's not that bad. We are all having mixed feelings about this transition. There are a lot of unanswered questions we have about this situation. And it's not that we didn't ask them; it's that they were not able to be answered. The reasons behind that are unclear. But, I digress. . . .
This morning we took the Home of Joy kids to the public pool for our last ministry time with them. They really love to swim! For a couple of them, their times there gave them new confidence in their abilities to swim for longer distances. Sidebar: did I say the ages of the kids yet? If I didn't, or if I told some of you different than what I'm about to write, the ages are: three six year olds, two five year olds, and three four year olds. After swimming we were invited to stay for lunch at the Home. Before we ate, one of the four year olds named Gong prayed. Kathy got it on video, and I'm going to try to post it with this entry. (Yes, he really did sit of the wall like the video shows. It's a meditation technique that the kids learn.) It was a very sweet prayer. In a way it seems like we spent more than two weeks with the kids, but in a way it doesn't. (Figure that one out.) Dakota, as always, loved the pool. There is a section that is only a foot deep that she loves to play in. She's really cute in her swimsuit!
So, once we get back from Musakee two weeks from today, we will stay here in Chiang Mai for one or two nights before we catch a night train to Bangkok on that Saturday night. We as a family will have to get a hotel room for Sunday night because our plane for Beijing doesn't leave until Monday. Beijing will be a time of relaxation and exploration for us. Where are we going to explore? A trip to Russia for me is no longer on the table for this visit. We do feel like we are being lead to investigate Harbin, China. It is a city northeast of Beijing, population about four million, and has a large Russian influence. What we are going to look for is a language university for me to study Chinese and possibly find a private tutor for me to learn Russian. Kathy is also thinking about a private tutor for brushing up on her Chinese. Living arrangements will also be looked at. A language university there has a program that begins March 2009 that we are praying about for me to attend. (If any of this is repeat information for you, sorry. But thanks for bearing with me.) All the while we will be looking for those valuable relationships to form with people whose lives we will come into contact with.
We are asking you for your prayers to receive clarity in what God has for us in the next several months. We feel that overseas work is where we are meant to be, but what that looks like, we don't know as of yet. Along with that we also ask that you begin praying about supporting us financially on a monthly basis. When we get specific numbers, we will pass that information on to you. We would also like to send out a newsletter in the near future; we would like to do that via "snail mail"(sorry, aunt Becky.) Any questions you have for us, we would love to hear and answer if we can. If any of you would like to come over tonight to help us finish packing, you are more than welcome. Packing, unpacking, and then packing again is really beginning to get old.
Once again, we thank you for your support. Please let us know what is going on with you.
God's Blessings On You,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wide World of Missions
Sorry, I know it's been a while since the last update. Some may be wondering if we're still in Thailand. Yes, we are still in Chiang Mai. What are we doing? What have we been doing? Are there pictures? How's Dakota? How much longer will we be here? Questions, questions, questions. If either one of us held any answers to anything, we would let you know. Oh, I do have an answer, sort of: there are no pictures (for now.) We'll put some new ones up at a later time. (It's a little game we like to play in order to make you keep checking our blog.) Oh, and Dakota is doing fine.
For this past week and this coming week our group is spending time with the orphans from the Home of Joy. Yes, the same children we took to the zoo on that one Saturday. We've taken them to a swimming pool, the library, the park, and played with them in their home. After one week they are starting to warm up to us a little. There are seven boys and one girl. You all can probably imagine the energy level in that home. Their hesitancy to relate to new people has led me to reflect on how I involve myself in forming new relationships. At first I don't want to throw myself out into the relationship arena and simply stay to myself. I wonder if the people in the arena are trustworthy. If they are, then I might put myself out there. Security is involved. When some one is available to interact with me in a positive way (I wouldn't have attempted to interact if I knew it wasn't going to be positive) I will pursue the relationship. Of course at first progress will be slow. Eventually it will speed up. Then it will slow down. Then it speed up.
If I can get to a more personal note (I'll get back to news later) I'll explain how the speed of development changes. For me, and I suspect a lot of us, it has to do with conflict. And not just conflict, but the ability of all involved in the relationship to handle conflict. If through conflict promises are made, but then after the conflict they are not acted upon, the relationship will probably not grow as fast if at all. The broken promise doesn't promote trust. "Sit in your seat and you can have a candy." If the child sits in the seat, and doesn't receive the candy, how would that relationship be strengthened? (Of course, asking a five year old boy to sit in a seat doesn't involve only asking once.) If there is no conflict, then there might not be any growth. There might actually be separation. When the parties involved are not asked to examine themselves and their lives, they may stay in a rut. Two ruts from the same cart rarely cross each others' path; they rarely come together. (If they ever have, I'd like to see the cart.) After all of that, then I wonder about the length of time the relationship may last. The longer it may last, the more likely I am to become involved in a deeper level. I'm not saying this is right; I'm saying this is the way I view it.
Okay, back on track. This coming week we will be doing most of the same things with the children again. On Saturday we will be leaving for Musakee (sp?). That is another town about four hours away from here. What will be doing there? We polled 100 people and their answers have been recorded. Survey says: no idea. We'll be there for almost two full weeks, and then we head back to Bangkok, and then we as a family fly to China. Oh, last Thursday we had to run to the border to get our visas renewed. So, each of us has actually set foot in Myanmar. On the way to the border Dakota threw up in the van. Kathy was in the front seat holding her, and she threw up a lot. We think it was from having orange juice and dairy in her little tummy. She did fine the rest of the trip. We have been blessed with how well she handles most travel. She has her moments, but for a vast majority of the time she does well. Praise God.
Well, that is all for now. If we can get internet connection in our room again, we'll post some pictures. Thanks for reading our entries and keeping up with our lives. We would also like to hear from you, and not just what you think about our blog. Please keep emailing us.
God Bless You,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What Bamboo Can Do For You
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
(Not "The")Village People
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dateline: Bangkok
Saturday, August 23, 2008
On The Twelfth Week Of DTS. . .
This past Thursday morning at all-base intercession time our group was leading. We split up the seven spheres of influence amongst us(education, arts and media, government, family life, etc) and found prayer points for Thailand and Myanmar. During prayer time one person prayed that we (the team) would be heard and remembered for the message that we bring, not because we are white people. That is my prayer, too. I wonder how many white people have entered Thailand with a message other than the gospel and have left a lasting impression on the Thai people. Especially in the area of the sex-trade, which was brought to Thailand during the vietnam war, mainly by american soldiers. There are a lot of forces that we as Believers are going to have to work against in order to be effective on this trip. One challenge (and I won't give weight to it because I wouldn't know what to weigh it) is how to pull out aspects of Thai culture that are already in-line with Jesus' teachings. We can't simply sit back and say,"They're buddhists, so that's incredibly difficult to deal with." One of our speakers compared Mennonites with buddhists and muslims, because Mennonites understand what it is like to live out your faith in your everyday life. How our faith is not just expressed on a Sunday, but an integral part of how we live our lives everyday. This is what he said, "In my travels I have found that of the Christian denomination, Mennonites have an easier time adapting and relating to people of other religions, such as buddhists or muslims, and are able to see how their religion is woven throughout their entire life. I see that very much in the Mennonite denomination; that living out of their faith everyday, not just once a week and on holidays." So, in that way we can understand how buddhists are affected by their beliefs in a daily way. Please pray that God will give our team insights and initiative to seize opportunities for sharing Jesus' love and life as they are shown to us.
Okay, another question that some of you might have is,"What other country may Carson possibly be visiting?" Well, after our Outreach, we as a family will go to Beijing for a little while. Once there, I, Carson, would like to take an exploratory trip to Perm, Russia. There is a YWAM base there that is in need of staff to help operate their King's Kids ministry, which is a ministry that is growing rapidly and they are looking to expand their locations in the city. Also, the city of Perm, Russia has hundereds of thousands of orphans and Kathy and I would like to get involved in orphan ministry somehow and this particular YWAM base has a huge orphan ministry focus. I've called the base through Skype twice and they are hoping I can make it there from China. The only question is how to get the entry visa. From what we understand I can get a tourist visa from the Russian embassy in Beijing once we get there. That is another prayer request that we have: that receiving a tourist visa will be easy.
If any of you have tried to call us for the past two weeks, then you know our cell phone has been turned off and we now make all of our calls through Skype. So, if we call you and a number doesn't show up on your caller ID, it might be us. We will always get your emails. We check email regularly everyday and hopefully will continue to while in Thailand and China.
Well, hopefully we will update this again before we leave for Thailand. If not, then we'll do it once we get there. Thank you for logging on and praying for us. God bless you all.
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
On The Ropes
How are you? Please feel free to contact us and let us know how you are. This week is slightly different for us. Monday and Tuesday we were in the classroom, but Wednesday and Thursday we are on the Ropes Course that is here on base. The purpose and design for the course is team building, trust, and leadership developement. It is very unique and extremely exciting. From an 800 ft. zipline to a 100 ft. pine tree to climb, you can push yourself, encourage some one else, and place your trust in others as well. Through trust, your faith is also affected. Many parallels are made between what we do in the physical sense and how that relates to our relationship with God. The leadership team for the course is phenomenal.
Kathy and I shared a moment today on the Giant Swing, which is a twenty foot steel cable that is attached to another steel cable stretched between two pine trees. (It really is thrilling!) To "ride" it you have to climb a twenty foot tower and then jump off when you are attached to the swing. Kathy and I did it together! While sitting on the platform Kathy got a little nervous. As great as our team is they all started yelling encouraging things to her. Even though they were well intending, what she need most was a single voice to focus on. I was privileged to be sitting right beside her. I said, "Just listen to me. You can do this. When you're ready, we'll go. Don't worry about them, just listen to me." Then we went! I'm glad we did that together.
How many times are we wanting to do something to advance God's Kingdom and there are well-intended voices all around us all shouting at the same time? They're all supporting us, right? Well, then why is the decision that WE ALONE can make so difficult? My theory: because we don't listen to the One Voice that truly matters. The One Voice that we should let be closest to us. It's awesome to be encouraged and supported, but if you only act on those words alone and not on God's words, you may act prematurely. God can still use what you do, but He will do wonders with those who listen to His voice above all.
I want to explain a little bit more about what I mentioned in the last update. (No, I'm not revealing the mystery country.) I love it when I hear a thought of mine put into words by some one else. We had a treat in class last week: we watched a movie. In it a man was leading a choir and trying to bring out the best in people. He wrote a song that contained the line "I want to live my life knowing I was good enough." It really explained what I want to help instill in people. I want to show them that they are good enough, but I don't want to wait until they have MANY obstacles to overcome. We feel that working with young children has been laid upon our hearts. Tell them that they are loved, not just by us, but by Some One who loves them even more than we do.
Well, good night. As you tuck your children in tonight, if you have them and they are tuckable, tell them how much they are loved and how they are exactly who Father created them to be. And that they are valued for who they are.
God's Love To You,
Carson, Kathy, Dakota
Sunday, July 27, 2008
a promise to all
he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Psalm 121:3
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Conception to Birth
What has been happening to me? God. More specifically? During our base intercession time I was truly moved. I won't mention the topic now, but it does relate to what I shared in a previous blog entry. Question: have you ever had an Idea that wouldn't go away? You knew it was a good Idea, but it must have originated from your own human thought process. Over time anything related to your Idea catches your attention when it normally wouldn't have if the Idea wouldn't be there in the first place. (A simple example of this is when you look to buy a new vehicle. You think you would like a four-door Jeep Wrangler. Once you realize this you start to notice them everywhere you go. And before you wanted it, you never even saw them on the road.) So far, for me, I've known that I've had an Idea. But it got stronger, and I saw more representations of this Idea throughout everyday life. I was thinking all of this was simply in my head. Thursday morning a shift happened. What was in my head moved to my heart. I felt the shift. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before. The closest I can relate this to from my own life is how I knew that I needed more training in discipleship, and then Father placed it my heart to go to YWAM.
So now what do I do with what's in my heart? Pray. Pray for confirmation and guidance. (Could you pray with/for me, too, please?) If Father has His way, and I hope He does, then the three of us are in for a great adventure!
Speaking of adventure. . . . The other week I got a taste of adventure. Some people on base got to climb our 32 ft. climbing wall one evening. And this next monday we might get to again. It was so fun. Yes, I was secured to some one on the ground at all times. Also on base is a one hundred foot pine tree that is rigged to climb. I am looking forward to that as well. The tree is a part of our Ropes Course and is meant to teach us to overcome our fears and to reach our goal(s). Sound like fun to anyone else?
Well, I'll sign off now. I will be sure to update you on my (former Idea) new Desire. Oh, I do have a Scripture to go along with this. Philippians 2:13 : "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him."
Don't forget to read the entry just underneath this. This one is meant to accompany that one. Our Heavenly Father's Love To You, Carson
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday, July 25th
"For most of my life I have struggled to find God, to know God, to love God. I have tried hard to follow the guidelines of the spiritual life---praying always, working for others, reading the scriptures---and to avoid the many temptations to dissipate myself. I have failed many times but always have tried again, even when I was close to despair. Now I wonder whether I have sufficiently realized that during all this time God has been trying to find me, to know me, and to love me. The question is not "how am I to find God?" but "How am I to let myself be found by Him?" The question is not "how am I to know Him" but "how can I let myself be known by him"? and finally the question is not "how am I to love God" but "how am I to let myself be loved by God?" It might sound strange, but God wants to find me as, if not more than, I want to find God…I am beginning now to see how radical the character of my spiritual journey will change when I no longer think of God as hiding out and making it as difficult as possible for me to find Him, but, instead, as the one who is looking for me while I am doing the hiding." (Can the finite find the infinite or must the finite let himself be found by the infinite...added by me)? Henri Nouwen
Also, we had the priviledge of having the author of the Shack (book), William (Paul) Young, here at the Ywam, Salem campus, he was here on Monday and Tuesday speaking in the counseling school. Carson and I got to sit in on one lecture and also got to hear him speak in our Tuesday evening service. We are planning to get copies of his testimony, what he shared on Tuesday (highly recommended), and if anyone would like a copy, please let us know, and if you haven't read the book, we would highly recommend it to you. Paul mentioned that when he wrote the book, the Shack, he wrote it for his children and when he tried to have it published, noone wanted it. So he and 2 friends opened up a new publishing company, just so they could publish it. In all, they spent less than 300$ in marketing (and this is generous). Basically, God got ahold of the story and is using it to His glory. People all overthe world are 'having conversations', which Paul is really happy about. It is the number one book being read in chinese universities, they have sold over 2 million copies, and now there is a movie in the process of being made via David Cunningham, the son of Loren Cunningham (founder of Ywam). He mentioned that the other day Will Smith was in an interview with Queen Latifah and as they were talking he turned to her and said "boy, do I have a role for you" (he had just read the shack). And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll just have to read the book. Carson and I have a extra copy, so let us know if you want it and we'll send it to you, or you can find it at any local bookstore or By the way, Paul mentioned that The Shack is a metaphor for each of our souls. The Shack is us. Interesting.God wants to "habitate" our shacks, he doesn't want 'visitations'.
Friday, July 18, 2008