Every week on thursday morning we have a base-wide time of intercession for a paticular country or for particular workers from this base that are in other countries. This week we prayed for the Amdo Tibetan people who live in Western China in Sichuan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces. This group of Tibetan people are mostly Nomadic people as they herd yak in the mountains. The Amdo are friendly, cautious, hospitable and devoutly religious people. They are and have been difficult to reach because of their nomadic lifestyle. I (Kathy) was able to visit this region of China in 2002. One thing that gripped my heart during this intercession time was a picture displayed that was titled 'Himalayan Art' with the 'lost sheep' scripture written on it. I got a sense of how much God loves these people and just like a shepherd and his sheep, he cares about every one the same and He wants to find every one. I want to share the verse and the picture with you: ""Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he hasfound it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And wen he comes home, he calls together his friends ad neighbors, saying to them, 'rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' (John 15). "All the nations whom Thou hast made shall come and worship before Thee" (psalm 86:9). God bless you all, have a wonderful weekend.
1 comment:
Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you guys sharing what you've been learning. Keep it up!
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